Everything we shipped in 2023 - and a sneak peek into our product vision

Easy App Reports v1 took us from zero to one. Now v2 is here, but what's next?

January 8, 2024
 min read

📊 Easy App Reports Releases

June-December 2023

✅ New iOS reports: Reviews, Product Pages, Analytics per Country, and App Version

✅ Connect as many Developer Accounts as you want

✅ BigQuery as a Data Destination [now 84x faster!]

✅ Magic Templates [activate templates with 1 click]

✅ New Google Play Report: Promotional Content

✅ Moved from Gumroad to Stripe

✅ Invite your team

⏳ Google and Meta Ads Integrations under testing

🙈 Apple Search Ads [postponed to Q1 2024]


Easy App Reports v1 took us from zero to one.

Looking forward seeing where v2 will take us.

Shipping a lot is a double-edge sword though: more features doesn't translate directly into more customers. At the opposite, it can easily turn into software bloat and make it confusing and less desirable for customers.

We head into 2024 with a solid foundation and now we turn our attention to the real problem: help app companies understand the impact of their initiatives in all stages of their funnel.

ETL and Analytics platforms are awesome. They changed the way Marketing, Product, and Growth teams work for the better. We get to see everything that's going on in our product - sometimes even what's outside of it. It enables us to identify bottlenecks in our customer journeys and opportunities in our markets.

Or that was before, at least. In a world of increased traffic “privacy”, dark social, complex customer journeys, it now takes a lot of work to figure out what's working and what's not. It's not an easy job by any means. The data can be unreliable. But most of all: it lacks context. I read so much about data storytelling on fluffy LinkedIn posts, but I barely see anyone actually doing it. At the same time, it's more and more common to see data scientists and analysts joining Marketing teams (and vice-versa). And just like software bloat, that not always help make things better.

But I believe we can do better.

The data can tell you what's happening - but it most likely won't tell you the full story on why that happened and what are all the moving parts of the equation.

It shouldn't be rocket science to figure out if that new paid channel you started recently is driving incremental installs and sales to your app. Or that new version filled with ASO improvements. Or a major product upgrade.

Maybe if that context was side-to-side with your data and you didn't have to message 10 different people to figure out what changed when, this wouldn't be so damn hard.

So we propose a “milestone-oriented” data visualization platform.

One where real world actions share the stage with the data as Yung and Yang.

A platform that understand the market you're in, where you are now, and helps you track where are you going.

A platform that helps you translate data into learnings, insights, and define next steps.

A timeline blended with a simple line chart.

A well formatted table embedded within a data-informed story.

Your ever-changing voice of the customer alongside your Activation and Retention metrics.

A country-level analysis paired with a country-level initiative.

Learnings alongside analysis.

A platform that is a delight to use. A place where the right people in your company can understand what are the numbers, what are we trying, and what was the result behind each initiative ran.

That's our product vision for this product which starts in the app industry, but it can actually be applied to any business in the internet.

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