The #1 Capital Sin that is Costing your App so Many Downloads, Guide to App Store Screenshots, and more!

The #1 capital sin that is costing your app so many downloads, guide to app store screenshots, and how mobile app developers can boost brand revenue.

January 3, 2024
 min read

Happy Wednesday!

This week’s wrap: This guy quit his job to become a full-time app indie developer. Read what happened here. Apple introduces new features coming later this year for cognitive accessibility, along with Live Speech, Personal Voice, and Point and Speak in Magnifier.

The #1 capital sin that is costing your app so many downloads I can't even count

by: Rômulo Gomes, Founder CEO @ Easy App Reports

This is one of the oldest rules in the ASO playbook since the App Store was launched.

It's so simple, and everybody says they understand it, but it's 2023, and I'm still finding marketers needing to correct this. It's so painful. But not you, of course, because you're a reader of this newsletter ;)

The rule is: one shall not repeat keywords on its title, subtitle, and keywords.

In the example above, we managed to increase the number of keywords in our app by 53%!

And if you think that adding 8 more keywords it's not a big deal… Think again.

Remember that the algorithm will combine these keywords because users can (and will) use multiple words to describe what they're looking for. I could search for an "ai video editor", or an "video editor with captions", for example. So, every single keyword you add exponentially increases your ASO fingerprint in the App Store.

The same goes for Google Play btw, with the exception that there you might want to repeat keywords on purpose on the description. But that's a different thing.

I'd say that 95% of the success cases I built when I had my ASO company back in the day were due to this simple best practice. Damn, I even overachieved my app growth OKR when I joined OLX in my first year just by doing this. It's not that hard to get good results when you know what you're doing.

And now you tell me that what I'm saying is too basic.

Yeah, agree. Still, as I said, I see mistakes like this almost every day.

But if you want hard, then hard it is. Because, building on top of this tip, there's an advanced tactic you can use to 10x your fingerprint. Yeap. Not another 53%, but 10x. And it's not an easy one to pull off, for sure.

So, stay tuned because, in the next few editions, I'll bring the part two of this article.

Guide to App Store Screenshots in 2023: Sizes, Styles and ASO Best Practices

Debates persist regarding the most influential elements on an app store product page for organic growth. While some argue that the app description is crucial, others claim that mobile icons are the most significant. However, when users visit the product page, screenshots tend to capture the most attention due to their visual nature and prominent space.

Research shows that less than 2% of users click the "read more" button or pay attention to the app description. Visual communication has a stronger impact on people, and they prefer to preview screenshots. Therefore, screenshots play a crucial role in attracting potential users and convincing them to install an app.

Many users form their perception of an app based on its screenshots and reviews. This highlights the importance of optimizing screenshots for app marketers. To ensure effective optimization, consider whether your screenshots address key questions such as solving user problems, showcasing high quality, and justifying time and money investment.

However, engaging screenshots are necessary for users to pay attention to them. To enhance your App Store Optimization (ASO) efforts, you need to have a deep understanding of screenshots, including acceptable formats and design techniques. This comprehensive guide will provide you with the essential information to elevate your knowledge of screenshots to a professional level.

Read the full guide

How mobile app developers can boost brand revenue

Developers of gaming and utility apps, who typically prioritize generating revenue through advertisements for downloads, now have the chance to boost their earnings by attracting brand buyers. They can achieve this without compromising on performance-based ads for clicks or installations.

Rather than solely relying on performance-based ads, publishers can introduce additional advertising spaces specifically tailored for brands. App developers who already collaborate with a mobile monetization platform should begin by assessing the balance between brand demand and performance demand offered by the platform. While publishers may have traditionally focused on performance-driven monetization, they should also consider the potential of brand advertising.

Outlined below are five strategies that publishers can employ to capture the interest of brands and effectively tap into this opportunity:

  • Optimize mobile inventory for brands
  • Incorporate exit screen placements
  • Embrace more video
  • Consider dual bid native placements
  • Upgrade to programmatic placements

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