Estimated Sales

Contains your app's Estimated over a specific period. Use it for low-latency reports.

Available only for apps with in-app purchases

The estimated sales report can be used to view low-latency information about an app, in-app products, or subscription sales. This report contains the amount buyers pay and doesn't deduct taxes or Google fees from the totals.

You can use this report for analytics or trend analysis, but it's not recommended for accounting. Instead, see the Earnings report.

You may notice differences between this report and your earnings for a number of reasons. For example, the estimated sales report doesn't consider withholding taxes or chargebacks. This report contains amounts paid by buyers in their local currency and doesn't contain converted amounts in your payout currency.

Fields included in this report

Taxes Collected
12,345.67 - In the buyer's local currency. With “,” as a thousands separator.
Discount Rate
45, 55, 70 - % discount rate used to specify the saving made by the user by spending Play Points compared to spending money. Only populated for sales related to Play Points. Learn more
State of Buyer
MA, ON,and so on.
treasure_chest_for_new_users - Developer-specified unique ID of the product.
Product Title
coins, monthly subscription,and so on. Developer-specified name of the product. Displayed in the buyer's locale.
Product Type
paidapp, subscription, inapp
Promotion ID
PP.C2fy7Ns0/+e2w, PP.P2fy7Ns0/+e2w, Points used only - Only populated for sales related to Play Points. - Prefixes “PP.C” and “PP.P” define orders involving coupons and in-app product promotions respectively. Orders where play points are spent directly are also shown. Learn more
Postcode of Buyer
02140, M5B 1L6,and so on. Only populated for sales where you are the merchant of record.
Product ID - Package name of the app where the product was sold.
Order Number
GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345 - Subscription order IDs include the renewal cycle number at the end (for example, the first renewal is GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345..0, second renewal is GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345..1, and so on).
Offer ID
spring-offer - The offer ID of the subscription. Only populated for subscriptions. Learn more
Order Charged Timestamp
1480507200 - The UNIX timestamp when the order was charged to the user. Measured in seconds since epoch.
Order Charged Date
2016-11-30 - Date of this order based on the UTC time zone (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
Item Price
12,345.67 - Shown in the buyer's local currency. With “,” as a thousands separator.
Coupon Value
3.00 - Shown in the buyer’s local currency. With “,” as a thousands separator. Only populated for sales related to Play Points coupons. Learn more
Group ID
1234567891234567890 - Unique ID is given when a developer account group is created. Learn more.
First USD 1M Eligible
Yes, No - Populated only when a developer account group is set up. Learn more
Featured Products ID
1234567891234567890 - Unique ID is given when a developer creates a featured product. Learn more
Financial Status
charged, refund, partial refund, and so on. If you fully refund an order after issuing a partial refund: The partial refund appears on a separate line. The full refund line shows the remaining balance
Currency of Sale
USD, EUR, THB, and so on.
Device Model
mako, and so on. Android device model used to make the purchase. For subscription orders, this refers to the device used for the original purchase.
City of Buyer
Boston, Toronto,and so on. Only populated for sales where you are the merchant of record.
Country of Buyer
US, CA,and so on.
Charged Amount
12,345.67 - In the buyer's local currency. This is the sum of the item price and taxes collected. With “,” as a thousands separator.
Base Plan ID
weekly - The base plan ID of the subscription. Only populated for subscriptions. Learn more

Dimension Values Glossary

First USD 1M Eligible
Populated only when a developer account group is set up. Indicates if it's Elegible for Google Play's 1m policy.
First USD 1M Eligible
Populated only when a developer account group is set up. Indicates if it's Elegible for Google Play's 1m policy.

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